As the November 3rd Presidential Election Day approaches, we wanted to share some important deadlines and information about absentee voting:
The GeauxVote.com page is a clearing house for all elections-related information including information about candidates, voter registration information, statistics, and educational materials.
You can download the GeauxVote app for iPhone and Android devices by following this link.
Important Deadlines
- Last day to register to vote in person or by mail: Mon, Oct 5
- Last day to register to vote through the LA GeauxVote Online Registration System: geauxvote.com: Tue, Oct 13
- Last day to request absentee ballot: Fri, Oct 30
- Early voting period (from 8:00am to 7:00pm each day): Fri, Oct 16 to Tue, Oct 27 (closed Sun, Oct 18 & Sun, Oct 25)
- Last day for a registrar of voters to receive a voted mail ballot (other than military & overseas voters): Mon, Nov 2
- Election Day: Tue, Nov 3
Absentee Ballot: Emergency Plan Due to COVID-19
You may request an absentee ballot if you:
•are at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 because of underlying medical conditions
•are subject to a quarantine order
•are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking medical confirmation
•are caring for someone who is isolated because of the virus
•are a senior citizen who is 65 years of age or older
•are eligible for the Disability Program
Eligibility for the Disability Program
•A person who has a disability or who cannot appear in person to vote, either early or on Election Day because they are homebound, is eligible to apply for the Disability Program. Proof of disability is required.
•Prior to Jan. 1, 2010, program participants who were approved by the parish board of election supervisors as being eligible to participate in the Special Program for Handicapped Voters are grandfathered into the Disability Program.
Benefits of the Disability Program
•Louisiana’s automatic absentee by mail ballot process
•Eligibility to receive assistance in voting. For nursing home and veterans home residents, the benefits include voting in person at their nursing or veterans home with the assistance of the registrar of voters or any person of their choosing, except for nursing home owners/operators/
For more information, read the full brochure for Voting Programs for People with Disabilities on the LA Secretary of State’s website.
*Early voting dates and absentee voting qualifications may be changed due to the pandemic.
*Polling place locations may be changed and additional locations may also be added. Please check geauxvote.com to see if your polling place has changed