Representative Payee Program

When the Social Security Administration decides a beneficiary can no longer manage his or her SSA income, SSA may assign a representative payee to help the beneficiary manage their benefits. A representative payee can be an individual, like a family member, or an organization.

Under federal direction, DRLA will interview hundreds of beneficiaries, review how their representative payees have spent their funds, and ensure that payees are following legal requirements and best practices.

More Details:

If necessary, DRLA will recommend corrective action to help the representative payee improve fund management. DRLA staff will also:

  • provide educational trainings to payees and beneficiaries
  • prevent and report misuse of funds
  • connect beneficiaries to outside services agencies to address any advocacy needs

This video, produced by Rooted in Rights and featured by our parent organization, National Disability Rights Network, further explains the Representative Payee Program:




Representative Payee Review Program flyer

*This document is funded through a Social Security grant agreement. Although Social Security reviewed this document for accuracy, it does not constitute an official Social Security communication
*We developed this website at U.S. taxpayer expense

Featured Resources

Representative Payee Review Program Flyer [PDF]

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