The Financial Access Inclusion and Resources program (FAIR) provides financial coaching and case management services to assist formerly incarcerated people with disabilities in combating employment and resource barriers to achieve long term financial security.
Participation in the FAIR program is voluntary. Our services are holistic and are centered around the individual needs of people with disabilities who may require additional supports and services to successfully reenter in their communities after incarceration.
How do we do it?
Through funding from Baptist Community Ministries, and the City of New Orleans, our case managers are able to help our participants with the following:
- Creating resumes and cover letters
- Submitting job applications
- Connecting to other needed workforce development services
- Filling out benefit applications and other paperwork
- Understanding how work will impact their benefits (unearned income and health care coverage)
- Selecting and using banking products
- Creating spending and savings plans
- Identifying and prioritizing debts
- Pulling and disputing errors on credit reports
- Finding ways to build credit
- Addressing outstanding municipal attachments, fines, and fees through a partnership with the Justice and Accountability Center (JAC) of Louisiana
- Connecting to other legal, educational, medical, transportation and housing service providers.
Who is eligible?
People who have been released from incarceration within the last 10 years, or individuals who are still incarcerated but are expected to be released within the next 3 months; that live in or will be released to Orleans or Jefferson Parish; are between 18 and 70 years old; have a disability (mental or physical); and are interested in employment.
All referrals may be subject to additional eligibility determinations by DRLA staff.
How to reach us:
If you are interested in FAIR services please contact us at (800) 960-7705 or and mention the FAIR program. Program Manager Carolyn LeBrane Tilton is also available at 504-272-2252 or should you have questions regarding the program.”
On 1/6/22, DRLA’s former FAIR Program Manager, Libby Whiteside Kiger, FAIR Program Manager, Patrick Holmes, and FAIR Client Advocate, Juliana Matz, gave this presentation, “The FAIR Program: Improving the Employment and Financial Outcomes of Formerly Incarcerated People With Disabilities”, as part of our Lunch and Learn virtual webinar series.
DRLA’s former FAIR Program Manager, Libby Whiteside Kiger, and FAIR Program Manager, Patrick Holmes, gave this presentation on the FAIR program as part of the Governor’s Office on Disability Affairs (GODA) Virtual Conference that took place from July 26th-29th, 2021. The theme was “Moving Forward, The Journey Ahead” and featured 20 sessions including the topics of: education, employment, self-determination, healthcare, emergency preparedness, youth advocacy and more.
To watch the full conference, please visit the Youtube channel for the Governor’s Office of Community Programs at:
Financial Access and Inclusion Program (FAIR) one page flyer
Financial Access and Inclusion Program (FAIR) one page flyer – SPANISH VERSION