Make a difference in the lives of people with mental illness!
Make a difference in the health of your P&A’s PAIMI Program!
The purpose of the PAIMI Councils is to act as a link between the P&A and the mental health community that can:
- Assist the P&A in identifying issues that are of most importance to the mental health community.
- Provide feedback to the P&A staff and the Board of Directors to develop the annual objectives and priorities for the PAIMI program
- Educate the public about the mission and purpose of the P&A
- Benefits of serving on a PAIMI Council
- Assist in setting the PAIMI priorities
- Opportunities to educate the public and consumers on the rights of individuals with mental illness and the PAIMI program services
- Ability to work with the PAIMI program to meet its goals for the protection and advocacy of individuals it serves
- Chances to go to training(s) and get information on what is happening in your community around mental health services and/or the consumers
- Supporting individuals that are receiving services to be safe and free from harm.
- Taking on a leadership role in advocacy
- Assisting to change the mental health system
- Learn about legislation and how to talk to policy makers about issues of concern
- PAIMI Advisory Councils (PACs) have the opportunity to build relationships with other disability or marginalized groups to gain more power and influence
Help Set the PAIMI Program’s Priorities
- Be the eyes and ears of the mental health community
- Share with your connections in the community what the P&A does and how PAIMI may help them
- Advise P&A Staff & Board of any new trends emerging in mental health in which the P&A could play a role.
The Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Advisory Council supports Disability Rights Louisiana by working with its staff and Board of Directors to develop priorities for the agency’s PAIMI program.
Advisory members oversee the general effectiveness of the program and work with staff to bring about any needed changes.
You can download an application at this link:
If you are interested in joining the PAIMI Council, you can email your completed application to our Directory of Policy and Community Engagement, Tory Rocca: trocca@disabilityrightsla.org.
For more information contact Tory Rocca, Director of Policy and Community Engagement, at trocca@disabilityrightsla.org, or 800-960-7705 ext 138.
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