Disability Rights Louisiana’s Assistant Director of Legal Services, Melanie Bray, penned an article entitled, “Supported Decision Making—A New Perspective on an Old Concept” that was featured in the most recent edition of Voice of Experience, the American Bar Association’s monthly e-newsletter covering topics such as lifestyle, physical and mental health, financial well-being, practice management, technology, and more.
The October edition of the ABA’s Voice of Experience focuses on the topic of guardianship, and features the article written by Ms. Bray, which defines the terms “autonomy” and “Supported Decision Making” (or “SDM”), explains the benefits of SDM, and presents ways that the legal community can help with the push for SDM.
“Imagine one day being served with court papers informing you that someone you may know, possibly a family member, is seeking a court order to take away your right to make your own decisions and gives that power to the family member. What follows may feel like an impossible battle to make your voice heard so you can prove that you do not need anyone else to make decisions for you….
…SDM is the process nearly everyone uses on a daily basis when making decisions. Every time you seek the advice of a close friend or colleague about a decision you are going to make, that is supported decision making. SDM legislation is simply the formalization of a process that all individuals rely upon when making decisions, and a recognition that individuals with disabilities are entitled to the same rights. While some may perceive this to be a revolutionary idea, SDM is simply an attempt to change the way society and the law view and treat people with disabilities.”
A link to the full article can be found here: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/senior_lawyers/publications/voice_of_experience/2021/voice-of-experience-october-2021/supported-decision-making-new-perspective-on-old-concept/>
Over the last year, Ms. Bray has presented a series of webinars on the topic of Supported Decision Making along with Ashley McReynolds from the Arc of Louisiana, in a continuing series provided in partnership with the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. You can read more about that series on their website: https://laddc.org/initiatives/community-living-and-self-determination/community-supports/supported-decision-making-right-to-make-choices-trainings-and-webinars/
For more information about Supported Decision Making, including publications such as our flyer, “Alternatives to Legal Status Changes”, and a list of upcoming presentations, visit: https://disabilityrightsla.org/resources/alternatives-to-legal-status-changes-supported-decision-making-sdm/