COVID-19 Resources
ATTENTION: people in Louisiana who cannot leave their home for any reason can request at home vaccinations!
News from the Louisiana Department of Health:
Louisiana residents who cannot leave their home for any reason can get a free at-home COVID-19 vaccination.
The Louisiana Department of Health said that the health department is committed to making the COVID-19 vaccination available to anyone, with a special focus on people with disabilities that prevent them from leaving their home.
The goal of the In-Home Vaccination Program is to offer those who cannot easily venture out an easy way to get this important shot. Those who would benefit from this service can schedule an appointment online or by phone.
Individuals who cannot leave their homes and call the hotline will be given information about side effects, follow-up and when they will receive their second dose, if needed.
How to Make a Request
By phone: Call 855-453-0774 and request an appointment for an in-home vaccination. You will receive a follow-up call from your local mobile vaccination team to schedule your shot.
Online: Just go to https://ldh.la.gov/inhomeshots and fill out the form to request an appointment. You will receive a follow-up call from your local mobile vaccination team to schedule your shot.
For Spanish or Vietnamese
We offer translation services for anyone who needs an in-home COVID-19 shot. If you speak Spanish or Vietnamese, call our toll-free hotline at 855-453-0774 and ask for a translator.
For Deaf/Hard of Hearing
We offer assistance for people who are d/Deaf, DeafBlind, or hard of hearing and need an in-home shot. Just call the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf at 800-256-1523 (voice) or 225-228-1203 (video).
Do you need reliable transportation to your COVID-19 vaccination appointment?
Disability Information and Access Line – DIAL can help you find a ride. Get to your appointment safely and on time by calling them at 888-677- 1199.
Visit covid.gov for information, links, and helpful resources from the Center for Disease Control to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.
Call this number or visit the websites below for more information about actions which can help fight variants.
1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489)
You can order tests that are more accessible for people who are blind or have low vision at https://special.usps.com/testkits/accessible
Long Covid Resources – Recovery from infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can vary from person to person. Most individuals seem to recover quickly and completely. However, some report symptoms that persist or emerge weeks or even months later. These sets of conditions are referred to as “Long COVID.”
This is a website developed by the White House and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services with information and links to services and supports for people experiencing Long COVID. You can also read the White House’s memorandum and fact sheet about the effects and the Biden Administration’s efforts regarding Long COVID.
CDC COVID-19 Toolkit for Older Adults and High Risk Individuals 11.20.22 – contains guidance and tools to help older adults and people at higher risk and those who serve or care for them make decisions, protect their health, and communicate with their communities. Includes resources with information on the COVID-19 vaccines, tips on self care as well as for caretakers of older and high risk individuals, resources for people with specific medical conditions, informational videos, PSAs and more
From the U.S. Department of Labor:
People with long COVID may be entitled to workplace accommodations.
If you know somebody with long COVID, share this link, with answers to common questions: Workers With Long COVID-19: You May Be Entitled to Workplace Accommodations
DRLA Lunch & Learn 9.27.22 – COVID-19 Information for People With Disabilities
On Tuesday, September 27th 2022, as part of DRLA’s Lunch & Learn online webinar series, Assistant Director of Communication & Outreach, Kevin Hurstell, and Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg, delivered this half-hour presentation on COVID-19 resources and information geared towards people with disabilities.
Contained in the presentation are phone numbers, links, and other helpful information to help you find the new updated COVID-19 booster shots, along with help finding vaccines, masks, tests, treatments, tips on ventilation, information and helpful links regarding Long COVID, your rights under the ADA, and more.
Information in this video is subject to change. Updates and source materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can be accessed at the links referenced throughout the program, and at COVID.GOV.
COVID-19 Accessible Resources – The Georgia Tech Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI), with funding from the CDC Foundation and technical assistance from CDC is adapting COVID-19 materials into accessible formats for people with disabilities.
The project has created a microsite to house all of the materials which has now gone live. On the microsite, you can request embossed braille, download accessible Word Documents and PDFs, and register for upcoming webinars related to COVID-19 and people with disabilities. More accessible materials are coming soon.
COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet in plain language:
This COVID-19 Vaccine fact sheet from Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) is available in two versions:
Easy Read Edition. The Easy Read version uses pictures along with large text, and has more white space.
Click here to download the Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Fact Sheet.
A Plain Language Version without accompanying graphics.
Click here to download the Plain Language version of the COVID-19 Fact Sheet.
Coronavirus ASL Hotline – Communication Service for the Deaf (CDC)’s free hotline brings the deaf community important and accessible information on COVID-19 in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) “Know Your Rights During COVID-19” video series -Videos on a wide variety of COVID-19 related topics that explain what your rights are & what to do if they are violated. Areas include transportation, housing, healthcare, prisons, Indian Health Services & medical rationing, and domestic violence
Autism Society: Coronavirus Toolkit – provides COVID-19 information and resources by topic, including Mental Health & Respite, Modifying Routines, Lifestyle Supports, and more
Coping & Stress Management
Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) Free Counseling: Keep Calm Through COVID Hotline – free crisis telephone hotline providing trained, compassionate counselors to support Louisianans during this time
Behavioral Health Tip Sheet For Infectious Disease Outbreak – tips for social distancing, quarantine, and isolation provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Talking to Young Children Isolated Due To CoronaVirus – tips provided by LSU Health
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks – recommendations and warning signs provided by SAMHSA
Tips for the Public: Managing Your Stress – tips provided by TX Department of Health & Human Services