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Disaster Assistance Resources: FEMA Region 6 Disability Integration Team



FEMA’s Region 6 Disability Integration team members will provide support to its disability partners throughout Louisiana to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities, including access and functional needs, are incorporated throughout disaster operations.


Here is how to register for assistance:

  • You can register over the phone by calling: 1-800-621-FEMA or 1-800-621-3362.
  • Virtual/Physical Disaster Recovery Centers will be established as FEMA begins to set up operations. If possible, visit FEMA’s website at or call the number above to stay up to date on locations as they become available



You can view and share these videos to learn about FEMA’s Individual Assistance Registration process

• FEMA’s video with instructions for how to register for Individual Assistance after a disaster has happened

• FEMA Accessible: Answering “YES” to the Disability Question #24 When Registering for Assistance:

  • ALERT: for people with disabilities & others with access and functional needs, see registration question #24
  • Answer “yes” to this question if you have a disability, special needs, or another health or medical condition


This is the best way to note any additional disability-related losses and/or needs such as medical support assistance, durable medical equipment repairs, or replacement of assistive technology that was lost or damaged as a result of the disaster. Examples include wheelchair, scooter, walker, CPAP machine, hearing aids, eyeglasses, screen reader).

This question will also help applicants identify other services for which they may be eligible to receive reimbursement.


For updates and more information, please visit FEMA’s website at, or call 1-800-621-FEMA or 1-800-621-3362.

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