We are excited to announce that starting on November 21st, we are launching a statewide information campaign to help promote equity and community integration for Louisianans of all ages with mental, physical, and intellectual disabilities.
The information campaign focuses on three primary issues: COVID resources and vaccine awareness, access to assistive technology, and employment rights.
“We want individuals with disabilities to find the help they need to live every day fully,” said Tory Rocca, Director, Community Engagement. DRLA has field offices throughout the state to provide legal and programmatic services, answer questions with helpful information and referrals, and provide legislative advocacy.
The public information campaign is supported by federal grants.
The spots, which will be running on television and facebook, are shown below. They can also be viewed and shared from our youtube channel at this link: DRLA Youtube channel
“Our goal is to promote information as well as empower individuals of all ages with disabilities to be informed of programs that exist to help them,” said Mr. Rocca. “We hope this campaign will encourage more families to visit our website or contact us to use the variety of services and programs we offer.”
Contact DRLA at disabilityrightsLouisiana.org, email info@disabilityrightsLouisiana.org, or call (800) 960-7705.