Examples of Our Work

FAIR helps client obtain job as a full-time forklift driver & open ABLE account to save for apartment

A client with visual and mental health disabilities was referred to FAIR one month after his release from incarceration. Initially, his case manager helped him understand his healthcare coverage so he could get a medical procedure. Then she helped him enroll in a job readiness class, and find substance use treatment.

Next, she helped him get certification of his clean driving record, find a forklift certification course and apply for a course scholarship. At this point, he began working full-time as a custodian and within a few months achieved his certification. He was laid off during COVID-19, at which time he began receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. His case manager provided him with counseling on how his earnings will impact his benefits and helped him update his resume and cover letters and apply for forklift positions.

He is now working full-time as forklift driver, earning around $30,000–more than triple the amount of what he was receiving in SSI payments. Moving forward, his case manager is assisting him in establishing a savings plan and opening an ABLE account so he can save for a new apartment without impacting his Medicaid eligibility.

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