FAIR helps client maintain employment along with benefits and insurance plan; helps to pay off debt and raise credit score
Orleans Parish Drug Court referred Jason* to the Financial Access & Inclusion Resources (FAIR) Program. Jason is in his 40s, and diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and a substance use disorder. He was referred when he accepted a job offer,…
More Continue Reading: FAIR helps client maintain employment along with benefits and insurance plan; helps to pay off debt and raise credit scoreSILAP helps client fill staff shortages with care from family
SILAP was contacted by a previous client who was having issues with staff shortages due to COVID-19. With support from SILAP and information about the Appendix K Waiver, the provider hired some of the client’s family to care for the…
More Continue Reading: SILAP helps client fill staff shortages with care from familySILAP helps client maintain waiver services and live with his family
SILAP was contacted by a New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) client who always wanted to live with his family. However, there were not supports in place to allow for a successful future. Hurricane Ida relocated his family to Baton Rouge where…
More Continue Reading: SILAP helps client maintain waiver services and live with his familySILAP helps client appeal discharge and find new provider agency
SILAP was contacted by a client who had received an involuntary discharge letter from her provider agency. The client did not wish to stay with the current agency, as she felt that the relationship had become contentious, but she and…
More Continue Reading: SILAP helps client appeal discharge and find new provider agencyCLOP informs client of status qualifying for waiver
CLOP assisted a group home resident in his 30s. He had been trying to get services to live in the community for over 8 years, and did not think it was ever going to happen. The CLOP Ombudsman investigated and…
More Continue Reading: CLOP informs client of status qualifying for waiverCLOP works on behalf of client to develop Plan of Action, improve conditions in group home
A family member contacted the CLOP Ombudsman to report his daughter was possibly being abused and neglected in a 6-bed group home. She had bruises on her arms and he reported significant mood swings and changes in her ability to…
More Continue Reading: CLOP works on behalf of client to develop Plan of Action, improve conditions in group homeDRLA Legal Team and CLOP challenge discharge, help client return to group home
A group home resident was involuntarily discharge to a hospital’s behavior unit and remained there for 4-5 months. CLOP and the DRLA legal team worked with the resident to overturn this outrageous violation of his rights so he could return…
More Continue Reading: DRLA Legal Team and CLOP challenge discharge, help client return to group homeCLOP Ombudsman works to transfer resident to safer community home, assists in seeking compensation and waiver
A client’s grandmother contacted a DRLA CLOP Ombudsman to report concerns of her grandson’s safety and well-being. He was a resident of a large group home and she was concerned about excessive weight loss and replacement cost for continued missing/damaged…
More Continue Reading: CLOP Ombudsman works to transfer resident to safer community home, assists in seeking compensation and waiverCLOP files health standards complaint, works with Medicaid to obtain waiver for client
A family member of a group home resident contacted their CLOP Ombudsman to report that the resident wanted to move out of the group home into the community on a Medicaid waiver. The Ombudsman spoke to the client, visited the…
More Continue Reading: CLOP files health standards complaint, works with Medicaid to obtain waiver for clientCLOP Ombudsman helps resident attend mass of her choice alongside her husband
A CLOP Ombudsman learned that a group home resident was being forced to attend a church of a different denomination than hers and who was being barred from visiting her husband. Through the Ombudsman’s advocacy, the client can now attend…
More Continue Reading: CLOP Ombudsman helps resident attend mass of her choice alongside her husband