DRLA helps client fight eviction due to lack of basic services
A client, Mr A*., reached out to DRLA for legal assistance because he was being evicted from his federally subsidized apartment for failing to keep it clean. A once successful professional, Mr. A suffered from a stroke in 2013, which…
More Continue Reading: DRLA helps client fight eviction due to lack of basic servicesClient Assistance Program (CAP) helps client obtain reimbursement for school related expenses and develop appropriate IPE
DRLA’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) successfully advocated for the reimbursement of school related expenses by Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) to a client who is a college student. CAP also advocated for the development of an appropriate Individualized Plan for Employment…
More Continue Reading: Client Assistance Program (CAP) helps client obtain reimbursement for school related expenses and develop appropriate IPECommunity Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps client obtain waiver, select provider
The cousin of resident at a small group home contacted their CLOP Ombudsman to report that their cousin wanted to move out on a waiver but was having trouble doing so. The Ombudsman spoke to the client, visited the home,…
More Continue Reading: Community Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps client obtain waiver, select providerCommunity Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps caller’s daughter transfer from abusive group home to receive quality care at home
A father contacted the CLOP Ombudsman at DRLA to report that his daughter was possibly being abused and neglected in a 6-bed group home. She had bruises on her arms and he reported significant mood swings and changes in her…
More Continue Reading: Community Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps caller’s daughter transfer from abusive group home to receive quality care at homeCommunity Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps client transfer from abusive situation in large group home
A DRLA Client’s grandmother contacted the CLOP Ombudsman to report concerns of her grandson’s safety and well-being. He was a resident of a large group home and she was concerned about excessive weight loss and replacement cost for continued missing/damaged…
More Continue Reading: Community Living Ombudsman Program (CLOP) helps client transfer from abusive situation in large group homeWIPA helps beneficiary access work incentive for students and attend school
WIPA staff recently assisted a beneficiary who is working in a part-time paid internship program in a state office while attending school seeking a degree in public policy with a focus on disability issues. The beneficiary was facing a reduction…
More Continue Reading: WIPA helps beneficiary access work incentive for students and attend schoolFAIR has SSDI reinstated for client, assists in paying traffic fines to obtain drivers license, paying legal expenses, and transitioning from housing facility to his own apartment
John* (name changed to protect confidentiality), who has schizoaffective disorder and orthopedic impairments, contacted FAIR immediately after spending over a year in incarceration. He was in a restrictive transitional housing program, which kept him from doing things like owning a…
More Continue Reading: FAIR has SSDI reinstated for client, assists in paying traffic fines to obtain drivers license, paying legal expenses, and transitioning from housing facility to his own apartmentFAIR helps client obtain full-time employment as restaurant server, cut debt, apply for unemployment and safer working conditions
A Specialty court referred Timothy,* (name changed to protect confidentiality) who has an autoimmune disorder and a substance use disorder, to FAIR shortly after being incarcerated in Orleans Justice Center. At the time he was living in a transitional home….
More Continue Reading: FAIR helps client obtain full-time employment as restaurant server, cut debt, apply for unemployment and safer working conditionsFAIR assists in obtaining full-time employment for client, obtaining a reduced-fare bus pass for people with disabilities, challenging SSI denial
Alex* (name changed to protect confidentiality), a man in his late 50s, with mental health disabilities, a substance use disorder, arthritis, and orthopedic injuries, was referred to FAIR by the Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, after spending over 20…
More Continue Reading: FAIR assists in obtaining full-time employment for client, obtaining a reduced-fare bus pass for people with disabilities, challenging SSI denialFAIR assists client in challenging credit report, stabilizing finances, securing employment, and working on obtaining commercial drivers license
A friend referred Derek* (name changed to protect confidentiality) to FAIR shortly before his parole board hearing, after being incarcerated for the majority of his adult life. Derek is in his 50s, with a substance use disorder and multiple physical…
More Continue Reading: FAIR assists client in challenging credit report, stabilizing finances, securing employment, and working on obtaining commercial drivers license