Examples of Our Work

WIPA helps clients increase income by maintaining benefits as they work

DRLA’s WIPA program was contacted by a beneficiary of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) who was interested in returning to work. The beneficiary’s Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWIC) was able to show him how he would be able to maintain his cash benefits, including his Medicare coverage, while working through the use of the work incentives available to him. Choosing to work increased his monthly financial outcome and through receiving WIPA services he now understands how he can increase his earnings in the future.

A Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient who also has Medicaid benefits contacted DRLA’s WIPA program after completing a vocational program. They were offered a full-time job, but they were worried about losing their Medicaid benefits. The recipient’s Community Work Incentive Coordinator showed them how they can keep their Medicaid while working full-time through the use of work incentives and helped them understand the rules for Medicaid when you also have employer health insurance. They are now working full-time, have employer health insurance and kept their Medicaid. Medicaid even pays their employer health insurance monthly premium.

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