Assistive technology includes any technology that could help you be more successful in school or work, live more independently, improve your health, drive, or otherwise address needs related to your disability.
Disability Rights Louisiana can provide the following services related to assistive technology:
- Legal Advocacy
- Systems Advocacy
- Information and Referral
- Assistance with Self-Advocacy
- Publications
Examples of Assistive Technology
- Wheelchair
- Eye glasses
- Walker or cane
- Tablet computer to assist with communication
- Video relay system
- Prosthetics or orthotics
- Braille display
- Specialized bed or mattress
- Seating and positioning aids
- Oversized keyboard or mouse
- Magnifiers
- Emergency Alert System
- Programs to assist with using a computer
- Sip and puff device
Do you want to work but need assistance in the workplace? If you answered yes, then this is the webinar for you! The Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) and Families Helping Families NOLA are partnering for an in-depth discussion on assistive technology and how it can be utilized in the workplace.
When: Monday, December 12, 2022 from 11-12pm.
Zoom Webinar ID: 817 5138 8350
Questions? Call 504-943-0343
Email Rikii Ainey –
DRLA – Assistance with Assistive Technology (AT) flyer
Helpful Links:
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) – LATAN assists individuals with disabilities to achieve enhanced quality of life and greater independence through access to Assistive Technology (AT).
Lighthouse Louisiana – Lighthouse Louisiana’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in New Orleans and Baton Rouge create jobs for people who are blind. Proceeds from the sales of high-quality, commercially competitive products help fund services for people who are blind, Deaf, and who have other disabilities.
Lighthouse Louisiana helps people get jobs, regain their independence, and challenge expectations of the capabilities of people with disabilities.
Louisiana Assistive Technology Initiative (LATI) Resource Centers -Louisiana Assistive Technology Initiative Regional Centers provide the following FREE services. Contact your local center for
additional information (see link for contact information)
Professional Development
LATI provides in‐depth training on specific areas of AT are designed for newcomers as well as experienced professionals looking to expand their perspective of AT.
AT Assessment Assistance
LATI assists the school systems’ staff in conducting AT assessments through job‐embedded coaching and training.
LATI provides consultative services to address AT issues on individual students or address general classroom AT needs.
Technical Assistance
LATI provides technical assistance to school systems to address difficulties with AT devices, hardware, and software.
Short‐Term Equipment Loans
LATI provides a FREE short‐term loan program to assist school systems in conducting AT assessments and/or recommending assistive technology for students
CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING PEOPLE – by Richard Lorenzo Ray, ADA Technology Access Consultant, ADA Technology Access Coordinator, City of Los Angeles (Retired)
September 2022
This report contains an overview of available communications and telecommunication technologies as of September 2022.
Please note that these technologies will continue to evolve, and that this report is not comprehensive. It is my hope that it will nonetheless provide a useful starting point for anyone interested in learning more about the assistive technologies that are available to deaf and hard of hearing incarcerated people at this time.