Through trainings, outreach presentations, participation in committees, community partnerships, and educational materials, Disability Rights Louisiana educates our community about the legal and human rights of people with disabilities.
Trainings offered by DRLA are often in response to requests from partner agencies or set up by DRLA in response to staff identified needs. We offer training on many disability-related subjects including:
- Disability Rights Advocacy
- Basic description of DRLA services
- Disability Etiquette
- Special Education
- Interdictions
- Voting
- Benefits Planning
- Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS)
To schedule an Outreach or Training event, or for media inquiries, please contact Director of Communications and Outreach, Kevin Hurstell: or call 504-717-2768.
DRLA’s Lunch & Learn Virtual Webinar Series
In November of 2021, we began our “Lunch & Learn” series of virtual webinars that provide information, education, training, and resources related to our services and areas of expertise.
In this episode, entitled “Disability Consciousness: Words and Actions Matter”, Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg, and Policy Analyst, Dr. Ashley Volion, give some helpful guidance on etiquette and how to communicate respectfully and thoughtfully with people with disabilities.
More episodes of our Lunch & Learn series can be found on our Youtube channel:
Outreach &Training Events
October 7th, 2024
The Right to Make My Own Choices: Supported Decision Making
Presented by: Ashley McReynolds and Melanie Bray
This training will cover the legal options that are available to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including the newest option, Supported Decision Making–and how to implement it.
To register, visit:
June 13th, 2024
Are you looking for work, and in need of help with Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS)? Don’t miss this upcoming webinar tomorrow night, Thursday June 13th at 7:00pm, by Special Needs & Parent Support Services of LA, LLC. “Ask Daryn”, featuring DRLA’s CAP Client Advocate, Daryn Broussard, which will give you the opportunity to ask a knowledgeable, experienced advocate about your rights—and what DRLA can do for you.
Register here:
Make sure to catch these other helpful webinars in June from SNAPSS LA:
June 11th: All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities and Complex Medical Care Needs – 7pm
Register Here:
June 14th: Health Issues and the IEP – 12 noon
Register Here:
Or visit: to register today!
For more information, please call 504-300-5117 or email
May 15th, 2024
Don’t miss this webinar hosted by Bayou Land Families Helping Families and presented by DRLA’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) Manager, Jeannie Doiron! “Placing Your Employment Future on the Front Burner” is a webinar that will be presented on May 15 from 2:00-3:30pm, both in-person and virtually, which will focus on the current state of employment for people with disabilities in Louisiana.
“The information shared will not only give you the knowledge of what supports and resources are available, but more importantly, how to think about employment through the successes of others. There will be a lively discussion, thought provoking ideas, and you will leave with a greater understanding about the possibilities for meaningful employment.”
To register, visit:
April 20th, 2024
Join the Autism Society of Greater New Orleans for their 19th Annual Autism Festival!
Westwego Farmer’s Market
484 Sala Ave
Westwego, LA
FREE ADMISSION provided by Sponsor Insul-Tech.
Autistic individuals of all ages and their families will have the opportunity to make connections with local businesses and nonprofits who provide services to the Autism community, while enjoying food, music, games, and performances in an inclusive environment.
Disability Rights Louisiana will have a table with advocates on hand to share resources, helpful information, and other goodies!
To register, visit:
April 6th, 2024
February 29th, 2024
Don’t miss this webinar next Thursday, February 29th at 11:00am, “Building a Disability Community: The Power of Connection,” as DRLA Policy Analyst Dr. Ashley Volion will delve into the importance of the Disability Community.
Hosted by Families Helping Families NOLA and Metropolitan Human Services District. Call 504-943-0343 if you need any assistance.
Zoom Webinar ID: 857 9263 8868
November 2nd, 2023
You can listen to Creative Community League’s Profrequency show 102.3 WHIV FM from Thursday, Nov. 2, as Melanie Bray, DRLA’s Assistant Director of Legal Services joined Jessie Nieblas of Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault Lafasa for a discussion around autonomy, education, and justice for Louisianans with disabilities.
You can listen to a recording of this episode on MixCloud:
Or on Spotify:
Many thanks to Jessie, WHIV, and everyone who worked to present this informative discussion! Be sure to catch the Profrequency show every week, on Thursdays at 10:00am. Please see the links posted above for more details.
October 4th, 2023
5:30 to 6:30 pm
Free Legal Workshop!!!
Topic: Supported Decision Making
Join attorney Melanie Bray, Assistant Director of Legal Services at DRLA, who will discuss what you need to know about supportive decision making and alternatives to interdiction. After the presentation, you can ask questions as time allows.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
5:30PM to 6:30PM
Where: Streamed
Live via the Louisiana Lawyers in Libraries Facebook Page, or register to participate via Zoom @
For the past 9 years, the Louisiana State Bar Association, the Louisiana Library Association, and the State Library of Louisiana have hosted “Lawyers in Libraries” events during National Celebrate Pro Bono Week. During this week, LSBA attorneys and libraries across Louisiana come together to provide free, limited services to the public. This year’s events will take place October 23-28, 2023. The deadline to register to volunteer is October 9th.
For more information, please visit
September 27th, 2023
Don’t miss this interactive webinar, “Know Your Voting Rights 2023: Information to Prepare You to Vote” on Wednesday, September 27th at 11am, hosted by Families Helping Families NOLA. DRLA Policy Analyst, Dr. Ashley Volion, will discuss important dates for the next election, why voting is important, and the accommodations that are available throughout the voting process.
Here is the link to register:
September 19th, 2023
Hosted by Families Helping Families of Southwest Louisiana
Guest Speaker: Dr. Ashley Volion, Policy Analyst, Disability Rights Louisiana
Join us for this ‘Know Your Voting Rights’ Webinar as we go over voting rights for people with disabilities.
Link to Register for Webinar:
For More Information Contact FHFSWLA at:
337-436-2570 ♦ 1-800-894-6558 ♦
September 13th & 14th, 2023
2023 AAIDD-LA Annual Meeting and Conference
Holiday Inn Downtown – Alexandria, Louisiana
This conference is designed to provide information through lectures and interactive discussion on service issues and practices for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Sessions last from 9:00am to 4:00 pm, including this session presented by DRLA Assistant Director of Legal Services, Melanie Bray:
September 14th, 1:45pm – 2:45pm
New Orleans Room Legal Status Issues Arising in Provision of Care
1.0 CEU Psychology Legal status issues commonly arise in the context of providing direct care to individuals with disabilities.
1.0 CEU SW Ethics It’s important to have an understanding of what the issues are, what the alternatives to interdiction are, and what they mean for the provision of care. In short, who is the driver of decisions when legal status is at issue?
For a full schedule and more information about the conference, please visit:
June 9th, 2023
What Are My “Stay Put” Rights?
Don’t miss this 15 minute webinar hosted by Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans and presented by DRLA staff attorney Shannon Barnes, which will explain Stay Put rights and discuss when they can and when they cannot be invoked.
Friday, June 9, 2023, 10:00 am – 10:15 am
January 6th, 2023
12:00 noon
Navigating Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
Families Helping Families Region 7 hosts this virtual webinar as DRLA”s CAP and FAIR Program Manager, Patrick Holmes, gives this overview with guidance on navigating Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS).
You can join at this link:
September 29th, 2022
DRLA’s Interim Executive Director Ronald Lospennato delivers this presentation on employment issues including discrimination, accommodations, and more.
Use this link to join:
September 27th, 2022
12:00 noon to 12:30pm
Join us at noon on September 27th for this presentation on COVID-19 information geared towards people with disabilities. We will share important information from COVID.GOV, tell you how to access the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) to help you find vaccines and help with transportation, tell you how to register for an in-home vaccination through the Louisiana Department of Health, and more!
Use this link to join:
Presented by Assistant Director of Communications & Outreach, Kevin Hurstell, and Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg.
September 22nd, 2022
Our next Lunch & Learn presentation is this Thursday, September 22nd as staff attorneys Shannon Barnes and Ken Kolb give this presentation on special education!
This online webinar will begin at 11:00am. Use this link to join:
September 15th, 2022
Know Your Rights: Voters With Disabilities
The week of September 12th is Voter Registration Week! Learn about your rights to a private, accessible vote in this online webinar presentation by DRLA Policy Analyst, Dr. Ashley Volion.
Link to register:
This presentation will feature a live ASL interpreter provided by New Orleans Sign Language Services.
September 7th, 2022
12:30pm to 1:30pm
The Dustin Gary Act
Training opportunities are being offered statewide to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family members to increase their understanding of Supported Decision Making (SDM), also known as the Dustin Gary Act of the 2020 Louisiana legislative session, and other legal options available in Louisiana.
With the passing of the Dustin Gary Act, Louisiana residents will need in-depth education, training and technical assistance.Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to receive valuable information on this new least restrictive option now available in Louisiana!
Hosted by The Arc of Louisiana, and Disability Rights Louisiana.
Funded by the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council
Presented by Ashley McReynolds from the Arc of Louisiana and Melanie Bray from Disability Rights Louisiana.
August 24th, 2022
10:00am to 11:00am
Disability Rights Louisiana’s Policy Analyst, Dr. Ashley Volion, will be giving a voting accessibility training for people with disabilities via Zoom on Wednesday, August 24th from 10:00am -11:00am hosted by Families Helping Families NOLA and Metropolitan Human Services District. In this interactive training, she will discuss why voting matters, accommodations that are available throughout the voting process, and helpful resources that are available to voters with disabilities which will give them the information needed to cast an informative vote.
Please register at the following link:…/reg…/WN_itdcq9YGSXCHBT1l7V8IEA
August 17th
10:00am to 11:00am
FEMA Region 6 Disability Equity and Inclusion Educational Series
We invite you to join us on August 17, 2022 to participate in FEMA’s Region 6 Disability Equity and Inclusion Educational Series. The purpose of the educational series is to provide awareness and education around individuals with disabilities in emergency management.
The August session is entitled “Disaster Law, Disaster Legal Services and Meaningful Access.”
The training will be held on August 17, 2022 from 10:00am – 11:00am CST. Kate Thorstad, attorney with Disability Rights Louisiana, will be presenting along with Stephanie Duke, attorney at Disability Rights Texas (DRTx). Both work under the Equal Justice Works Disaster Resilience Fellowship program to eliminate or mitigate barriers to critical programs, services, and housing for people with disabilities who have been adversely impacted by disasters.
The educational series is intended to discuss innovative solutions for cross-cutting issues, share best practices and help cultivate partnerships across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government in Region 6. More Information from FEMA Region 6 below:
Region VI Disability Equity and Inclusion Educational Series
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 from 10:00am-11:00 pm Central Time
Join ZoomGov Meeting
August 4th, 2022
12:00noon to 12:30pm
You can catch our next Lunch & Learn Virtual Webinar this Thursday, August 4th at noon, as DRLA staff attorney and Equal Justice Works Disaster Resilience Fellow Kate Thorstad gives a presentation on disaster related legal issues as we head into the middle of storm season.
You can join us by using this link:
An ASL interpreter will be provided. If you have any questions or requests for accommodation, please call 800-960-7705 or email
Natchitoches Parish Schools
Disability Rights Louisiana (DRLA) will be providing three Community Outreach Events this summer to get the community’s feedback on special education practices in the Natchitoches Parish School District.
Click this link to view the event on the NPSB website
This is your chance to have input on improvements for special education for the Natchitoches Parish School Board! Join us at the dates below to hear from DRLA’s Attorney Shannon Barnes as we get your input on special education practices for the Natchitoches Parish school system.
Community Outreach Meeting Dates:
1st Meeting: Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 3:00pm
2nd Meeting: Tuesday, July 19, 2022: Time TBD
3rd Meeting: Tuesday, August 23, 2022: Time 3:00pm
The first meeting is a community outreach event to gain input from parents and community stakeholders on Professional Development (PD) topic recommendations. The main in-service will take place on July 19th and is a training for NPSB educators on various special education topics. The third meeting is a post-meeting follow up for community members.
All three meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Natchitoches Parish School Board board room. Each meeting will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube for those who are unable to physically attend.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Special Education Community Outreach Meetings with DRLA, please contact Danna LaCaze at or call (318) 352-2358.
July 21st, 2022
12:00noon to 12:30pm
Register now for this Thursday’s (7/21) Lunch & Learn, “What Are My Rights Under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)?”
The ADA works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. DRLA’s Interim Executive Director and longtime Legal Director, Ronald Lospennato, will give this presentation on your rights under the ADA in celebration of the 32nd anniversary of its passage on July 26th.
The presentation is set for thirty minutes. Captioning and ASL will be provided. Use this link to register:
June 2nd, 2022
11:00 to 11:30am
This Lunch & Learn virtual webinar will feature the Supported Independent Living Advocacy Program, or SILAP – which helps adults with developmental disabilities receiving Medicaid waiver services obtain supports in order to live in their homes, in the community. Regional Coordinator Katy Martinez will give an overview of SILAP and answer your questions in this brief, virtual webinar.
An ASL interpreter and live captioning will be provided. You can register using this link:
May 25th, 2022
11:00am to 12pm
The Client Assistance Program: Supporting Your Rights in Disability Employment
Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana, in conjunction with Northeast Delta Human Services Authority will host this presentation given by DRLA’s Program Manager for the CAP & FAIR Programs, Patrick Holmes.
Topics will include: the CAP Program, the Vocational Rehabilitation process, Louisiana Rehabilitation Service, Competitive Integrated Employment, and WIOA and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act.
Join us on May 25th at 11:00am by registering at this link:
For additional information, assistance, or questions, please
contact Families Helping Families of Northeast LA at 318.361.0487.
April 21st, 2022
Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana, in conjunction with Northeast Delta Human Services Authority will host this presentation given by DRLA’s Program Manager for the WIPA Program, Zane Richardson, on how the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts can work for you.
ABLE accounts are the tax-advantaged savings account to which contributions can be made to meet the qualified disability expenses of the owner.
Join us on April 21st at 1:00 by registering at this link:
January 6th, 2022
DRLA’s Lunch & Learn Webinar Series
Episode 3: The Financial Access Inclusion and Resources program (FAIR)
Join us for our next Lunch & Learn virtual webinar on Thursday, January 6that 11:00am, to learn all about our Financial Access Inclusion and Resources program (FAIR).
FAIR provides financial coaching and case management services to support formerly incarcerated people with disabilities in accessing the information and services they need in order to secure employment, achieve their financial goals, and remain in the community.
Launched in 2019, FAIR is the only program in the region designed to meet the reentry and financial coaching needs of people with disabilities, a community that is disproportionately impacted by poverty, unemployment, and incarceration. In addition to providing financial coaching and case management services, DRLA contracts with the Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana to provide FAIR clients with legal support in addressing their court fines and fees. As a result, over half of FAIR clients have gained employment; 60% of FAIR clients have reduced their debt by a total of $63,798; and 63% of FAIR clients have increased their income by a collective total of $71,741 per month.
This Lunch & Learn Webinar will take place on Thursday, January 6th at 11:00am and is set for a half an hour. An ASL interpreter on video and captioning will be provided. You can join at this link:
Stay tuned to this space for announcements of future and archived webinars. Don’t forget to check in with us on the first Thursday of every month for future episodes. Looking forward to seeing you there!
January 5th, 2022
On January 5, 2022, as part of LSU Law’s Apprenticeship Week, DRLA’s Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg, and Staff Attorney, Jodi Hill, will be training LSU Law students about attorneys’ obligations to clients with disabilities and strategies to improve communication and relationships with these clients. This session is co-sponsored by the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities Committee, which Ms. Weinberg co-chairs.
December 2nd, 2021
DRLA’s Lunch & Learn Webinar Series
Episode 2: Disability Consciousness: Words and Actions Matter
Words and actions matter! How you talk to and act around people with disabilities can show how much you respect them. We invite you to join us for our next virtual DRLA Lunch & Learn Webinar: Disability Consciousness: Words & Actions Matter. DRLA’s Policy Analyst, Dr. Ashley Volion, and Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg, Esq., will discuss how and why they use their word choices and actions to show respect to people and will give tips for you to do the same.
This Lunch & Learn Webinar will take place on Thursday, December 2nd at 11:00am and is set for a half an hour. You can join at this link:
Stay tuned to this space for announcements of future and archived webinars. Don’t forget to check in with us on the first Thursday of every month for future episodes. Looking forward to seeing you there!
November 17th, 2021
On Wednesday, November 17th, DRLA Assistant Director of Legal Services, Melanie Bray, will be a speaker as part of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) webinar, Guardianship Replace or Reform: Where Do We Go From Here?
Ms. Bray will be one of six speakers, who will address the attorney’s role and ethical responsibilities in contested guardianships. Webinar attendees will hear a discussion featuring ways to uncover abuse by guardians, and the pros and cons of creative and novel approaches to decision-making, including the concept of replacing guardianship with person-centered systems.
The webinar is offered through the ABA website’s Free CLE Member Benefit Library, which offers Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits to attendees. ABA members can attend for free, while attendance is $130 for non-members.
The webinar will begin at noon CST (1pm EST) on 11/17. You can learn more and register at this link:
November 4th, 2021
DRLA’s Lunch & Learn Webinar Series
Episode 1: A Guide to Our Services
We are very excited to announce the launch of our brand new, DRLA Lunch & Learn webinar series! We will be featuring a webinar on the first Thursday of every month that you can virtually attend around lunchtime, to stay in touch with the services, issues, and discussions that we feature as part of our work here at DRLA.
The premiere episode in our Lunch & Learn series, “DRLA: A Guide to Our Services”, will be presented by Director of Community Advocacy, Debra Weinberg; Director of Policy & Community Engagement, Tory Rocca; and Assistant Legal Director, Melanie Bray.
This will take place on Thursday, November 4th, 2021 @ 12:00 noon, and you can join by following this link:
Stay tuned to this space for more information and announcements for future episodes. We can’t wait to see you there!
November 3rd, 2021
National Disability Rights Network: Developing Reentry Services for Formerly Incarcerated People with Disabilities: Employment, Public Benefits and Managing Supervision – Part 2 of 3
November 3, 2021 Virtual
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
The second in a series of three webinars addressing the needs of people with disabilities who are formerly incarcerated and/or have criminal records. This session will highlight innovative work done by the Louisiana and Washington, D.C. P&As to provide assistance with employment, access to public benefits and navigating mandated post-release supervision.
Libby Whiteside Kiger, Disability Rights Louisiana
Natasha Walls Smith, University Legal Services/Disability Rights DC
Register here:
October 20th, 2021
Presented virtually by the Louisiana Asset Funders Network and Financial Health Network , the BUILDING BETTER SAVINGS SUMMIT will explore the current savings environment in Louisiana and how to elevate a path forward to increasing savings among Louisianans.This presentation is intended for Louisiana grantmakers, practitioners, and elected officials.
DRLA’s Financial Access Inclusion and Resources program (FAIR) provides financial coaching and case management services to assist formerly incarcerated people with disabilities in combating employment and resource barriers to achieve long term financial security.
Our FAIR Program will be part of this presentation on October 20, 2021, 10 am – 2 pm CDT.
September 21st, 2021
FREE WEBINAR: Special Education During COVID-19: Know Your Rights
Join us as we discuss an overview of special education rules on creating/amending an IEP for virtual education, the requirements for related supports and services during distance learning, and the basics of compensatory education services for missed time.
This webinar is hosted by Families Helping Families Region 7 (Bossier City), and co-hosted by DRLA Managing Attorney, Jonathan Trunnell.
For more information, contact Comeaka King, Education Specialist at:
July 14th, 2021
Vote 2021: Information to Prepare You to Vote
In this interactive training, Dr. Ashley Volion will discuss important dates for the next election, why voting is important, and the accommodations that are available throughout the voting process.
Please register in advance at the following link:
July 1st, 2021
Natchitoches Parish Community Outreach Meeting: Special Education Practices
Join us this Thursday, July 1st at 4:00 pm for a Community Outreach Event as Disability Rights Louisiana (DRLA)’s Managing Attorney Jonathan Trunnell will get your input on special education practices in the Natchitoches Parish school system.
To attend, visit this link:
June 23rd, 2021
Natchitoches Parish Schoolboard In-Service: Special Education Practices
Join us on Wednesday, June 23rd at 9:30am for an in-service training session on special education. Disability Rights Louisiana’s Managing Attorney, Jonathan Trunell, will be on hand to provide information and answer questions related to best practices around Individual Education Plans and other emerging special education issues in Natchitoches Parish. This training is primarily geared towards educators, but anyone from the community is welcome to attend.
June 14th, 2021: Natchitoches Parish Community Outreach Meeting – Special Education Practices
Join us this Monday, June 14th at 4:00 pm for a Community Outreach Event as Disability Rights Louisiana (DRLA)’s Managing Attorney Jonathan Trunnell will get your input on special education practices in the Natchitoches Parish school system. This is your chance to have input on improvements for the NPSB!
To join the meeting, click this link:
May 18th, 2021: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Alternatives to Legal Status Changes
On May 18th at 10:00 am, Ms. Melanie Bray from Disability Rights Louisiana will partner with Families Helping Families NOLA for this webinar on Alternatives to Legal Status Changes, to talk about exploring alternatives options to interdictions and tutorships.
To register in advance, click here.
February 9th, 2021, 10:00am – 11:00am
ABLE Account Training
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts are tax advantaged savings accounts for persons with disabilities. Zane Richardson, Program Manager at Disability Rights Louisiana, will help you get a better understanding of the account and how it works.
Presented by Families Helping Families NOLA and Metropolitan Human Services District.
Register here:
February 25th, 2021, 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Families Helping Families Region 7 Presents:
Transition Planning: Bridging the Gap from School to Adult Living
Disability Rights Louisiana Client Advocate, Glyn Butler, will present this webinar to inform transitioning students how to access the Client Assistance Program (CAP) through Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) for their employment and transitioning needs.
Register here:
For more information, please contact Comeaka King, NWLAHSD Family Facilitator at 318.226.4541 or email