As we work together to recover from the effects of Hurricane Ida, here are some helpful statewide resources geared towards people with disabilities:
(information was updated 9/28/21 and subject to change)
General Information
Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is consolidating much of the information you may need at https://buff.ly/2saPYA5.
Call 211 for sheltering information and listen to your local officials, or text ‘LASHELTER’ to 898211.
For Hurricane Ida updates, text Ida to 67283.
EMDAC – The Emergency Management Disability and Aging Coalition
Are you age 60 or over, or do you have a disability? Are you sheltering away from home and have medical needs?
The Emergency Management Disability and Aging Coalition (EMDAC) may be able to help you. Call 1-800-270-6185
(if a person does not answer, press 5 and leave a message & they will call you back).
It is not uncommon for people to be evacuated without assistive devices, medications, charging adapters, and similar, vital medical equipment. EMDAC can help connect you with those necessities until you get back home!
If you are trying to locate someone in a statewide congregate shelter, you can call 225-342-2727 or visit this website:
Alabama has issued an emergency prescription refill order so if any Louisiana families encounter any issues, be sure to remind the pharmacy of the emergency prescription refill order in place.
For more information, visit this link: https://www.wsfa.com/2021/09/02/ala-order-helps-hurricane-evacuees-get-emergency-prescription-refills/
Local Resources
For local emergency resources, contact your local Parish OHSEP office: http://gohsep.la.gov/ABOUT/PARISHPA
Local information by Parish on facebook:
Ascension Parish – Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preperation (OHSEP)
City of Baton Rouge
Iberville Parish Council
Jefferson Parish
Lafourche Parish
Livingston Parish – OHSEP
City of New Orleans
NOLA Ready
New Orleans Health Department
Plaquemines Parish
Plaquemines Parish OHSEP
St. Bernard Parish
St. Charles Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
St. Martin Parish
St. Tammany Parish
Tangipahoa Parish
Terrebone Parish – OHSEP
Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government
Washington Parish OHSEP
BayouLand Families Helping Families
Bayouland Families Helping Families, based in the Thibodaux area, will be accepting disability supplies to distribution sites for those affected by Hurricane Ida.
As of 9/4/21, medical items available have included:
Oral suction
Oxygen tubing-not nasal cannula
Oxygen neb containers
Blue vent tubing
Trach care kits
Oxygen sensors
Ambu bag
Suction connectors
Alcohol swabs
Test strips- true metrix
Insulin syringes
Posey trach band ties
Oxygen nasal cannula
Suction catheters-10/12/14 fr
14fr male catheters
6×59 trach
60cc syringes
4×4 split gauze
Closed depression system
Cleaning brushes
Kangaroo bags
Gravity bags
Disposable suction canisters
Mepilex 4×6
Barrier wipes skin
O2-Gtube securement
Distilled water
Adult diapers-all sizes
Kids overnight sleepers- small to XL
Children’s diapers size 4 and 6
Please contact Julie at 985-438-1179 if you have special needs or have supplies to donate. You can follow BayouLand Families Helping Families on facebook for the latest updates at: https://m.facebook.com/blfhf/
From the Lafourche Parish facebook page:
Hurricane Ida Donations and Relief for Lafourche Parish
Lafourche Parish officials have received an overwhelming number of requests for the best avenues to donate to the Hurricane Ida relief efforts. Parish officials have already begun working with local non-profit organizations to help funnel donations to the community.
Bless Your Heart Nonprofit Corporation will be accepting monetary donations as well as items such as cleaning supplies, non-perishable food items, water, industrial garbage bags, toiletries, baby items, and wasp spray. They will coordinate donation events in Lafourche Parish in the near future. If you would like to donate items, please submit information on your donation using bit.ly/LafourcheIdaRelief.
Monetary donations can be made on Venmo (@blessyourheartnonprofit) or via Paypal (blessyourheartnonprofit@gmail.com). For questions, contact Danielle Trahan at (985) 413-4624 or email blessyourheartnonprofit@gmail.com.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is also coordinating donations of food, supplies, and money, as well as volunteers. You can sign up to donate or volunteer at CatholicCharitiesHT.org/Ida.
Additionally, the Bayou Community Foundation is able to funnel larger monetary donations to various nonprofit organizations throughout the Bayou Region. Nonprofits can apply for grants and donors can give online at BayouCF.org.
Other avenues for donations and volunteers are Volunteer Louisiana, American Red Cross of Louisiana, United Way of Southeast Louisiana, and Second Harvest Food Bank.
St. James Parish
The Department of Human Resources Case Management Hotline is available for any special needs residents requiring medical special needs and/or general housing assistance.
Please call the Citizen Service Center at (225) 331-8187.
Case Managers are available 24/7 with information about how to receive assistance
St. John the Baptist Parish
(9/7) – Residents who are in need of transportation to a point to point shelter in Bastrop, Monroe or Alexandra, can call 985-652-2222.
Operational hours and status subject to change – please contact to confirm if possible
Site Name • Site Address• Phone •Operational Hours
Orleans Fire Stations Station 01 – 2920 Magazine St New Orleans, LA (504-658-4601) 24/7
Orleans Fire Stations Station 06 – 4500 Old Gentilly Road, New Orleans, LA (504-658-4606) 24/7
Orleans Fire Stations Station 36 – 4503 Read Blvd., New Orleans, LA (504-658-4636) 24/7
Orleans Fire Stations Station 40 – 2500 General de Gaulle, New Orleans, LA (504-658-4640) 24/7
Jefferson Fire Stations Station 20 – 4110 Hudson Road, Metairie, LA 24/7
Jefferson Fire Stations Station 81 – 808 MacArthur Ave., Harvey, LA 24/7
Fire Protection District 1 – 13192 Airline Hwy, Gonzales (225) 647-7342 8:00am-4:00pm Mon-Sat
MOSEP – 3773 Harding Blvd, Baton Rouge (225) 389-2100 8:00am-12:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm Tues-Fri
Ochsner Medical Complex – 25455 Hwy 1, Plaquemine (225) 761-5200 24/7
Pointee Coupee General Hospital – 2202 False River Drive, New Roads (225) 638-6331 6:30am-3:00pm Sun-Sat
Port Allen Fire Department – 700 N. Alexander Avenue, Port Allen (225) 346-5676 8:00am-4:00pm Mon-Fri
Assumption Community – 4910 Highway 308, Napoleonville 985-369-7386
Franklin Fire Station – 512 First Street, Franklin, LA 70358 337-940-1467 24/7
Morgan City Fire Department – 1307 Victor II, Morgan City, LA 70380 985-518-5227 8:00am-4:00pm Mon-Fri
Raceland Recreation Center – 241 Recreation Drive, Raceland (985) 537-1700
St. Charles EMS Office – 1060 Paul Maillard Rd, Luling 985-722-6730 24/7
St. James Parish Office of Homeland Security – Emeregency Prepareness – 5153 Canatella Street, Convent 225-562-2364
St. John – 1801 West Airline Highway, Laplace, LA Waiting on confirmation of location 985-652-2222
Terrebonne Parish OHSEP – Gray, LA 70359 101 Government Street, Gray, LA 70359″ 985-873-6357 24/7
Bossier City Police Department – 620 Benton Road, Bossier City (318) 741-8611
Ouachita Parish Health Unit – 1650 Desiard St., Monroe (318) 361-7370
Livingston Parish Emergency Operation Center (EOC) – 20355 Government Blvd., Livingston, LA 225-222-3544 24/7
St. Helena Parish Emergency Operation Center (EOC)/Police Jury Bldg – 17911 Hwy 43, Greensburg, La 225-222-4549 24/7
St. Tammany Parish Justice Center -701 N Columbia St., Covington, La 985-898-2323 24/7
Tangipahoa Parish Emergency Operation Center (EOC) – 114 N. Laurel St. , Amite, La 985-748-3211 24/7
Tangipahoa Parish Health Unit – 15481 W. Club Deluxe Rd., Hammond 8/31/2021 (985) 273-2883
Washington Parish Emergency Operation Center (EOC) – 54100 Dollar Rd., Franklinton, La (985) 839-5625 or (985) 726-8700 24/7
Crisis Cleanup
Statewide – to request assistance with clean up from disaster relief agencies call (844) 965-1386 or visit https://www.crisiscleanup.org/
A Home Cleanup Hotline has been opened to support survivors of Hurricane Nicholas. We anticipate that most volunteer groups will work through Friday, October 1, 2021. Survivors needing assistance can call 979-217-3791.
Crisis Cleanup has opened a Home Cleanup Hotline to support #NOLA residents after #HurricaneIda. Cleanup is run by volunteers so help is not guaranteed. Residents in need can call 844-965-1386 to request free assistance.
Crisis Cleanup abrió una línea telefónica de limpieza de viviendas para apoyar a los habitantes de #NOLA después del #HurricaneIda. La limpieza está a cargo de voluntarios, por lo que la ayuda no está garantizada. Los habitantes que la necesiten pueden llamar al 844-965-1386 para solicitar ayuda.
9/7 update – Their website is temporarily down, so if you cannot get online to register please CALL 944-965-1386. They will connect you to different volunteer groups who are here to help!
Mutual Aid/General Resources:
Promise of Justice Initiative/Survivors for Reform
*Please share* Statewide Hurricane Ida Resources for direct cash assistance, mutual aid, survivor services and more/*Por favor comparte* Aquí ofrecemos recursos para asistencia financiera directa de grupos comunitarios, conexiones con grupos de apoyo de ayuda mutua y servicios de desastres naturales estatales / nacionales
Charging Stations
Map of charging stations open to participants in Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines Parish courtesy of Imagine Waterworks:
Mental Health Resources
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed due to recent storms, flooding, or other disasters, you’re not alone. The Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide you with confidential emotional support.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990 to speak with someone today.
From the Office of Behavioral Health:
Trained and compassionate individuals are available to support you during Hurricane Ida, the COVID-19 pandemic, or any emotional crisis. They will provide information and help link you to confidential mental health and substance use services.
Office of Behavioral Health:
Keep Calm Line (activating 9/3/21)
1-866-310-7977 (24/7)
Behavioral Health Recovery:
Outreach Line
1-833-333-1132 (24/7)
For healthcare professionals and individuals in recovery
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-8255 (vets press 1)
En Español: 1-888-628-9454
Deaf/HoH: TTY 1-800-799-4889
CrisisText Line:
Text REACHOUT to 741741 (24/7)
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline:
Call 1-800-985-5990
Text TALKWITHUS to 66746
Louisiana 211:
Call 211
Free, 24/7 referral and information that connects people to a wide range of health and human services.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
Local Human Services Districts/Authorities:
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Louisiana:
Louisiana participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can use their benefits to purchase “hot” or prepared foods through September 28, 2021.
Pre-register for DSNAP now at: http://dcfs.la.gov/page/dsnap-registration.
Disaster Assistance
There are three ways to apply for assistance:
Online at DisasterAssistance.gov
Call 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 1-200-462-7585
Download the FEMA App from the Apple or Google Play stores
All applicants for federal disaster assistance have the right to appeal a decision. Your appeal can be filed online or at any disaster recovery center. In order to file an appeal you must bring your determination letter, your written appeal, and any supporting documents requested in your determination letter.
Important Note about Question 24 on FEMA Registration regarding Disabilities
People who experienced damage and power loss due to Hurricane #Ida should use extreme caution during the recovery phase. If you have insurance, start documenting your damage and report your loss immediately.
Please pay special attention to question number 24 about people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. Answer “yes” to this question if you have a disability, special needs, or another health or medical condition.
This is the best way to note any additional disability-related losses and/or needs such as medical support assistance, durable medical equipment repairs, or replacement of assistive technology that was lost or damaged as a result of the disaster. (Examples include wheelchair, scooter, walker, CPAP machine, hearing aids, eyeglasses, screen reader).
This question will also help to identify other services for which applicants may be eligible to receive reimbursement.
Here is a link to assist with question 24: Answering Yes to the Disability Question When Registering for Assistance
Apply: disasterassistance.gov
Learn more about the response effort: fema.gov/disaster/hurricane-ida
(For corrections, suggestions, or tips about resources in Louisiana, please contact us at 504-522-2337, or email Community and Outreach Manager, Kevin Hurstell: khurstell@disabilityrightsla.org)
New Orleans area resources:
NOLA Ready, Special Needs Registry
New Orleans’ 3-1-1 Call Center will continue to make the rounds and check-up on all the people on the Special Needs Registry and senior citizen facilities until things are restored.
To be added to the Special Needs Registry, please call 3-1-1
For a regularly updated list of all available resources around Orleans Parish, go to https://www.trumba.com/calendars/hurricaneida
Get to any of these resources with a free ride:
Lyft code: IDARELIEF21
Uber code: IDARELIEF2021
Cooling Centers (8am-6pm)
Will have device charging, meals
With 99% of power restored to NOLA, the NORD Commission Cooling Center operation ended Friday, 9/10 at 6pm. FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) teams will be at the following NORD rec centers from Mon 9/13-Fri 9/17 from 10am-6pm, and on Sat 9/18 from 9am-2pm:
Rosenwald Rec Center (1120 S. Broad Ave)
Cut Off Rec Center (6600 Belgrade St)
Stallings St. Claude Rec Center (4300 St. Claude)
Milne Rec Center (5420 Franklin Ave)
MREs, water & ice:
With 98% of power restored, Friday, 9/10 is the last day that all six
LA National Guard PODs are operating.
Starting Saturday 9/11 & onwards, the National Guard will operate three POD sites only:
8am-6pm: Joe Brown Park
8am-6pm: Skelly Park
8am-6pm: Dryades YMCA
First Aid Station
New Orleans Health Department is running a first aid station in Central City:
Central City Senior Center, 2101 Phillip St
Running daily, 24/7
Oxygen exchange
Medical device charging
Basic health assessments
Minimal prescribing ability, but no meds available onsite
COVID rapid tests available 10am-4pm
”Fill the fridge” with @cultureaidnola at Tad Gormley Stadium today. Pick up fresh fruits & veggies while listening to brass bands. No identification, paperwork or reservation is required to pick up groceries.
Open Pharmacies
Walgreens Store #10316 (4001 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70119)
Store # 3167 Walmart Supercenter (4301 Chef Menteur Hwy, New Orleans)
Store # 8261 Sam’s Club (455 31st Street, Kenner, LA)
Store # 4775 Sam’s Club (3900 Airline Drive, Metairie, LA)
Walgreens Store #13679 (1717 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA 70005)
Store # 8221 Sam’s Club (1527 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey, LA)
Store # 5102 Walmart Neighborhood Market (99 West Bank Expressway, Gretna, LA
Walgreens Store #15571 (4501 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA 70001) 504-885-4867
Store # 909 Walmart Supercenter (8101 W. Judge Perez, Chalmette, LA)
Store # 5081 Walmart Neighborhood Market (2500 Archbishop Hannan Blvd, Meraux, LA)
Walgreens Store #6027 (1910 W Thomas St, Hammond, LA 70403) 985-345-1600
Walgreens Store #9990 (71041 Hwy 21, Covington, LA 70433) 985-875-0715
Walgreens Store #4007 (1260 Front St, Slidell, LA 70458) 985-641-5557
Dialysis in New Orleans area:
The following locations will be operational beginning 8/31. This is subject to change based on water and sewer availability.
Please confirm your dialysis center is still open before leaving for your scheduled appointment:
Davita Uptown in Touro Hospital
Davita Gentilly at 4720 Paris Ave
FKC Metairie at 4425 Utica St
FKC Lake Forest at 10545 Lake Forest Blvd
FKC Downtown at 2235 Poydras St
FKC Marrero at 735 Westbank Expressway
To receive a status update on your dialysis center or to reschedule your dialysis appointment please call the following numbers:
Davita patients call 504-283-9098 or 800-900-8331
Fresenius patients call 800-626-1297
Dialysis Center Inc patients call 866-424-1990
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency please call 911.
From Jefferson Parish’s facebook account 9/4/21:
If you know of someone who is medically vulnerable who needs shelter and assistance due to Hurricane Ida, please call 504-349-5360.
Thanks to FEMA, the Louisiana Department of Health, the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), the Louisiana National Guard, New Orleans Health Department, EMS, and all our first-responders and healthcare team who have set up a medical needs shelter at the Convention Center in New Orleans for residents who are in need of housing, food and special assistance due to Hurricane Ida. The first five patients are on their way to this shelter now (two are from JP).
Autism Society of Greater New Orleans
Alert for Families of autistic individuals and Independently living Autistic Individuals living in Orleans Parish (or any other individuals with disabilities, elderly, or special medical needs):
Please text our Administrative Manager Claire Tibbetts at 504-603-6548 ASAP with your name, address, and phone number if you are in need of food and unable to travel to the city distribution sites due to lack of personal transportation or lack of access to public transportation to be connected to resources to help you.
ONLY contact if you have NO access to transportation to the existing sites!