Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the national observance of Older Americans Month.
You can read the White House proclamation here, and make sure to follow #OlderAmericansMonth on social media for updates and resources.
DRLA works to advance independence, promote home and community based supports and services and combat abuse, neglect and exploitation of older Americans with disabilities.
As we get older, many of us can develop issues including those that affect our ability to see, hear, or get around safely. Many of us may develop chronic illnesses that also affect our lives such as diabetes, arthritis, memory loss, and hypertension, among others. As challenges arise, we may find that we become more restricted from activities of work, public life, or even getting around safely within the home.
Even if we do not think of ourselves as having a disability, sometimes these challenges can rise to the level that meets the definition of disability according to the ADA, and affords the protections that come under the law.
But according to the ADA National Network, more than 30% of Americans over age 65 have some kind of disability, as do over 50% of those older than 75.
- If you are an older person with a disability and are at risk of long term nursing home residency or currently residing in a nursing home, but would rather be provided supports in the community, we may be able to help.
- If you are an older person with a disability that is at risk of losing your right to make your own decisions or would like information about how to get assistance in maintaining your right to make decisions, we may be able to help.
- If you are an older person with a disability who is experiencing abuse, neglect, or exploitation, we may be able to help.
For a downloadable flyer outlining our services for Older Adults, click the button below:
If you would like help or more information, call 1-800-960-7705 or visit https://disabilityrightsla.org/get-help-now/