
In order to guide the work of Disability Rights Louisiana, and to best meet the needs of all people with disabilities in our State, DRLA solicits information from the public to create a work plan that is divided into Priorities. Within these 10 Priorities are various Goals and Measurable Objectives.

These Measurable Objectives are a large part of how we measure success and are used to hold the organization accountable to our various funders.

Priorities FY 2024-2025


Priority 1: Community Integration/Healthcare

  • Goal 1: Ensure that people with disabilities have access to necessary healthcare and long-term supports and services in the most integrated setting appropriate.
  • Goal 2: Ensure that people with disabilities are not subjected to abuse, neglect, or exploitation and are provided with all the supports and services they are entitled to (including Medicaid) and that such supports and services are provided when needed, are (1) directed by the person with a disability to the maximum extent possible, (2) meaningful, and (3) well-planned and carried out.
  • Goal 3: Ensure that the rights for persons with disabilities found in state and federal law, such as LSA-R.S. 28:452.1 (Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabilities) and in 42 U.S.C. § 9501 (Mental Health Bill of Rights) are afforded to all persons with disabilities.


Priority 2: Physical/Programmatic Access

  • Goal: Advocate for the elimination of physical and programmatic barriers to critical programs, services, and housing that unlawfully discriminate against persons with disabilities


Priority 3: Autonomy

  • Goal: Advocate for the elimination of barriers for persons with disabilities barriers to the exercise of autonomy


Priority 4: Employment

  • Goal 1: Ensure that people with intellectual disabilities are given opportunities to engage in competitive employment.
  • Goal 2: Ensure that people with disabilities are not discriminated against and denied employment benefits and opportunities on the basis of disability.
  • Goal 3: Through the provision of information, advice, and representation ensure that people with disabilities, including beneficiaries of Social Security, are able to obtain appropriate rehabilitation services.
  • Goal 4: Ensure that beneficiaries of Social Security and formerly incarcerated people with disabilities have information regarding necessary work incentives planning and assistance services to obtain, regain, or maintain employment.


Priority 5: Rights Protection/Institutions

  • Goal: Ensure that the rights of people with disabilities living in institutions and residential facilities are protected and enforced, that they live in adequate and humane conditions, and that they are able to access services in the community and exercise autonomy to the maximum extent possible


Priority 6: Education

  • Goal 1: Reduce incidences of illegal exclusions from schools and ensure that students with disabilities who are or who have been subject to student disciplinary procedures have available to them a free appropriate public education in the most integrated setting.
  • Goal 2: Ensure that students with disabilities have available to them transition services that are reasonably calculated to prepare students to move from school to adulthood, including the opportunity to be employed and to be as independent as possible.
  • Goal 3 (Education): Ensure that all public schools and their programs and services are provided in the least restrictive, most integrated setting possible and that they are accessible to all students with disabilities.


Priority 7: Rights of Older Americans with Disabilities:

  • Goal: Ensure that the rights of older adults with disabilities are adequately protected


Priority 8: Voting

  • Goal 1: Elimination of barriers to voting and increased knowledge of voting rights.
  • Goal 2: Educate potential elected officials regarding the needs of individuals with disabilities.


Priority 9: Disaster Planning and Recovery

  • Goal: Ensure that public and private planning occurs in a timely and appropriate manner and that policies are in place to ensure that in the event of a disaster, appropriate and accessible short-term and long-term emergency and recovery services, supports, transportation, shelter, and housing exist for people with disabilities in the most integrated setting possible


Priority 10: Strengthening Protections for Beneficiaries of Social Security

  • Goal: Ensure the rights of social security beneficiaries are protected from abuse and exploitation.

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