FAIR Program helps client keep job, health insurance, benefits & housing. Assists in filing for proper tax credits and paying off debts.
Orleans Parish Drug Court referred Jason* (name changed to protect confidentiality) to the FAIR Program. Jason is in his 40s, and diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and a substance use disorder. He was referred when he accepted a job offer,…
More Continue Reading: FAIR Program helps client keep job, health insurance, benefits & housing. Assists in filing for proper tax credits and paying off debts.FAIR helps client obtain job as a full-time forklift driver & open ABLE account to save for apartment
A client with visual and mental health disabilities was referred to FAIR one month after his release from incarceration. Initially, his case manager helped him understand his healthcare coverage so he could get a medical procedure. Then she helped him…
More Continue Reading: FAIR helps client obtain job as a full-time forklift driver & open ABLE account to save for apartmentClient Assistance Program (CAP) helps client get LRS case reviewed, new plan helps him gain employment in field of construction
John* contacted DRLA and was referred to our Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance in resolving his issues with Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS). He receives SSI and SSDI monthly disability benefits and resides in a transitional sober living house. He…
More Continue Reading: Client Assistance Program (CAP) helps client get LRS case reviewed, new plan helps him gain employment in field of constructionFAIR helps client reduce debt, secure unemployment backpay & put a deposit on an apartment
A FAIR client with a traumatic brain injury and mental health disabilities met his FAIR case manager the week he was released from incarceration; at the time he was homeless and had no income. His goals were to find an…
More Continue Reading: FAIR helps client reduce debt, secure unemployment backpay & put a deposit on an apartmentDRLA’s WIPA team helps client achieve financial independence & preserve Medicaid eligibility
BB* is a 42-year-old living with Autism who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Through training with an employment program, BB received a job offer from a national electronics retailer with monthly gross…
More Continue Reading: DRLA’s WIPA team helps client achieve financial independence & preserve Medicaid eligibilityDRLA helps secure housing, schooling, health equipment, and basic needs for SILAP client
JK is a 20-year-old young man with very advanced muscular dystrophy. At this point, he is only able to speak and make some facial expressions with difficulty. He requires total care for all movement and ADLs. JK became a client…
More Continue Reading: DRLA helps secure housing, schooling, health equipment, and basic needs for SILAP clientClient Received Appropriate Education Plan at School for Mental Health Issues
Client FC* is a 16-year old child who is diagnosed with mental health issues. When we met FC, his high school was trying to expel him for behaviors associated with his disability. Disability Rights Louisiana intervened for FC and explained…
More Continue Reading: Client Received Appropriate Education Plan at School for Mental Health IssuesClient Awarded Reimbursement for Transportation Costs To and From School
Client BJ* is a five-year old, non-verbal child diagnosed with Autism. He is a student who has difficult transportation needs due to his disabilities and must be watched very closely to prevent self-harm. Under Federal law, he is entitled to…
More Continue Reading: Client Awarded Reimbursement for Transportation Costs To and From SchoolStudent was Allowed to Remain at Elementary School with Proper Support and Services
DRLA was contacted by the mother of a kindergartener with Autism because he was being threatened with expulsion. While he was not expelled, the school district decided to unilaterally move this young child to the alternative school. The mother objected…
More Continue Reading: Student was Allowed to Remain at Elementary School with Proper Support and ServicesClient Received Safe Care at School
Disability Rights Louisiana was contacted by the grandmother of a 12-year-old who uses a G-Tube for feeding. The student is non-verbal and is hard of hearing. The school insisted that school staff practice removing and inserting the G-Tube on the…
More Continue Reading: Client Received Safe Care at School